>> Friday, September 4, 2009
I wish I could bottle the energy these two kids had. I'm not sure what they had for breakfast, but it must have been the breakfast of champions because they were very active and incredibly FAST!
Apparently, they thought this little session was a game and my job was to catch them so there was very little sitting still on any of our parts!
This fair haired girl stole my heart running around barefoot. I'm a native of South Carolina so it's rarely anything but flip flops or bare feet for me! Luckily, I had prepared well with tennis shoes on this particular occasion. ;)

Little K clearly takes after big sister and he's just about as fast!
Occasionally, something would pique their interest and they would slow down just long enough for me to snap off a few frames, like the shots below.

It's fun to have a tree around for climbing...always a favorite for the boys! K & K were great and a lot of fun to follow around.
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