Early Birds
>> Friday, November 20, 2009
This couple was a lot of fun! I'm thinking about trading pictures for dancing lessons ;-)
This couple was a lot of fun! I'm thinking about trading pictures for dancing lessons ;-)
I met with M & K at the park a few days ago. They were really sweet and I adore these precious curls!
I met with a beautiful family of 5 this morning at a local museum. It was a little chilly when we started off but it warmed up and turned into a gorgeous day!
I may be biased, but oh my gosh she's beautiful! My oldest little masterpiece and I took off tonight to take her 5 year pictures. 5 YEARS! I can't believe my sweet baby is five, and oh so grown up! She had school pictures last week so she said she knew exactly what to do...a great big grin and she'd yell, "mashed potatoes!". That'll work ;)
I met H when she was only 5 months old. She's one of my kids' favorite playmates and as such I have pictures from all stages of her life, just as I do my own kids. It was really fun to get to take her 3 year pictures! She's growing into such a little lady and I enjoyed following her around the gardens capturing that still baby fine hair and her big blue eyes. Her little brother was my first official practice session (his first year pictures) so it was neat to follow up with big sister several months later.
The Z man was a little on the shy side and didn't like to hang out naked. He was, however, a DOLL. I mean that, he actually looks like a little baby doll! Perfection.
After I put this adorable hat on E this morning, I couldn't resist taking a few pictures! I knew I had roughly two minutes before her big sisters would come looking for us so I had to be quick. I love those big blue eyes!!!
W just became a BIG Sister!! In fact, her little brother is pictured in the post below. I've known her for a few years now and absolutely love her delicate features, infectious smile and gentle demeanor. She is also a GIRLY girl, and as such, showed up in a frilly skirt full of tulle complete with a necklace and pearl bracelet (of COURSE!). I was a little surprised not to see a purse in tow...she must have traded it out for the fresh flowers mom brought instead.
This little guy came a little early, but was growing like a weed already since he was born at 8 lbs. 7 ozs.! When I arrived, he was in an oh so lovely milk induced coma ;-)
On Saturday, I headed to the park to take pictures of my friend's daughter. Little did I know, she had a thing or two to teach me! Every so often, she'd strike a pose...and hold it until she figured I'd sufficiently captured her. She was too cute, twirling around, giggling and just being herself in general.
This sweet little bundle arrived just one month ago! She is just adorable! I really enjoyed the challenge of working with a newborn versus the toddlers/children I've been chasing lately!
I wish I could bottle the energy these two kids had. I'm not sure what they had for breakfast, but it must have been the breakfast of champions because they were very active and incredibly FAST!
Sweet "P" as his mom likes to call him is exactly that! I absolutely love this age and had a tough time paring this set down because his face is so expressive that I wanted to give mom and dad every little crooked smile or lit up face.
L & P are as cute as can be. It's fun to see how to children from the same family can be so different. It just goes to show how much of who we are is in our make up from the day we're born. Of course, you can learn to be more extroverted but for some it is so natural while others have to work at it.
I met SG at her house where she was completely in her element and for the next 45 minutes showed off her spunky personality!
After having my third sweet baby girl, I am ready to throw myself back into this challenging but fun hobby of mine. In the beginning of August, a friend of mine met me at the park and for the next hour, I followed this sweet brown eyed boy around taking pictures.
Back in April, I had the opportunity to take pictures of my friend's son...my very first amateur photo shoot! He's just over a year old and a very active little guy! I had a ton of fun chasing him around (yes, even 9+ months pregnant!) and attempting to capture a glimpse of his personality.