Deep In the Heart of a Texan

>> Thursday, April 11, 2013

One of my dearest friends is awaiting the arrival of her sweet baby girl from China.  As such, she wanted a way to pass the time and let her little girl know, in later years, how incredibly excited she is now awaiting her arrival...and so we took pictures, of course!  I can't imagine how difficult it must be to  wait once you've been matched with your adoptive child until you can actually bring him/her home.  I'm getting the slightest glimpse and mostly, I just think it is amazing the love that grows in that time and how they become a part of your family even before they set foot in your home.  Can't wait to meet you SE!!


Whitney April 14, 2013 at 12:30 AM  

I LOVE this photo!!!! I will treasure it always!